I thought my scars made me ugly

I thought my scars made me ugly

I thought my scars made me ugly

My personal story about how a photoshoot change my life

If you know anything about me you’d know that I have red hair. I used to get bullied quite a bit as a child for being different from than kids in my class. This has affected me in a major way making me very self-conscious about how I looked. Just like many of my clients, I hated my big nose and my big hair and I thought my scars made me ugly. But a photoshoot has changed all that for me. Thanks to a boudoir photoshoot I no longer hate the way I look and I love myself again. 

I thought my scars made me ugly. Thanks to my boudoir photoshoot I now love myself again and no longer hate the way I look.

I thought my scars made me ugly

I used to think that I was not pretty enough. As a child, I was bullied by other kids for having red hair. That experience made me think that I didn’t deserve to be pretty. That I was not beautiful enough. That I was ugly.

They laughed at me for being different. For not being like them. This scared me for life.

I used to think that that I had to be perfect because of my scars. My scars were emotional but they hurt just the same.

But all that has changed. As a portrait photographer I now help others. I had a boudoir photoshoot for myself and thanks to the photoshoot I discovered that it’s not about your scars. Being sexy is not defined by being a certain shape or a certain color or a certain size.

You are beautiful because of your voice. You are strong and confident because of your inner beauty. It’s the light that shines within you. You are sexy because you are YOU.

I will guide you during your photoshoot experience every step of the way so that you know that that I am only focusing on what’s the best about you for everybody to see.

My name is Allie Serrano I am the owner of Allie Serrano Portraits and I want you to call me so that we can schedule Your photoshoot experience in my studio very soon.

allie serrano, boudoir, simple black dress,

Boudoir Photoshoot has changed my life

a Boudoir photoshoot change my life

I am serious. A boudoir photoshoot has changed my life. Since I had my boudoir photoshoot, I now do a photoshoot of myself regularly because I love it that much. it has literally changed my life for the better. For the first time, I was able to see myself the way other people see me and I saw what they saw, a beautiful woman. 

When I slipped into those lingerie pieces and posed for the camera, something shifted inside me. Instead of seeing flaws, I saw beauty in my body. It was like I was seeing myself in a whole new light, feeling confident and strong.

After the shoot, I noticed a big shift in how I approached everything in life. I felt more sure of myself, not just about my looks but in everything I did. It was like the photoshoot gave me a boost of courage to go after what I wanted, without holding back. It wasn’t just about the pictures; it was about how they helped me embrace who I am and take on life with more confidence.

allie serrano, boudoir, simple black dress,

I would be honored to give you your transformational photoshoot experience and have you see how beautiful you truly are.

See more about a boudoir photoshoot here


Alice Barlow
Barlow Takes the Bay

Book Your Photoshoot Today

I invite you to get photographed with Allie Serrano Portraits. This photoshoot will change your life and the portraits we will capture of you will last you a lifetime.

Allie Serrano, professional portrait photographer,

Allie Serrano

Hi, my name is Allie Serrano. I am a professional portrait photographer. I have worked with many top-producing realtors and other business owners all over Florida and beyond. I am excited to photograph you and capture incredible magazine-quality images for your feature and for your personal business use.
Want to know more? See more About Me here.
And don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @AllieSerranoPortraits