Happy Independence Day Trinidad & Tobago! Celebrate Trinidad and Tobago Indepence Day with A Heritage Portrait

On this day, August 31 in 1962, Trinidad & Tobago gained its independence from Great Britain. On this day the British flag was lowered and the Trinidad and Tobago flag was raised for the first time. Bells tolled and sirens rang out to herald the birth of the newly independent nation.

A little history about Trinidad & Tobago, for those who are not familiar. The history of Trinidad and Tobago begins with the settlements of the islands by Indigenous First Peoples. Both islands were visited by Christopher Columbus on his third voyage in 1498 and claimed in the name of Spain. Trinidad remained in Spanish hands until 1797, but it was largely settled by French colonists (as written by Wikipedia)

JNelle’s home land is Trinidad & Tobago. That’s where her family roots are. And since Allie is originally from another country, the Czech Republic, she understands the importance of one’s heritage. It is so cool hearing stories of those who came before us and made it possible for us to have the life we lead today. That’s why we celebrate our heritage. Jenne is definitely breaking new ground with her music career. Check out her successes. She has a new single out recently and it is in the top 20 RnB Soul on ITunes. So awesome.

“I can’t make this up 😩😩 Top 20 RnB/Soul ITunes Charts! Surpassing Doja Cat, The Weeknd, AND H.E.R! Support is so real! This has NEVER HAPPENED TO ME! Thank you all so much 😭 God is Good!” said JNelle

Listen to her music here https://linktr.ee/iamjnelle

What better way to celebrate your heritage than with a Creative Heritage Portrait with Allie Serrano Portraits!

Client: JNelle Follow her on Instagram @iamjnelle
MUA Shatoine The Mua_ Follow her on Instagram at @shatoinethemua

About Allie Serrano

My name is Allie Serrano and I am the owner of Allie Serrano Portraits, LLC. I was born in the heart of Europe in the Czech Republic. It is a land filled with rich country, history, and romanticism, a place where things are handcrafted, one-of-a-kind art, heirloom antiques are created and celebrated. This world continues to influence me to this day. As a little girl, I loved playing dress-up with my sister. I grew up having read hair and I was bullied for that. So, it is not surprising that today as a portrait photographer I have a burning desire to lift the confidence in everyone I meet, to change the world through beautiful portraits, to impact the world around me, and to tell the stories of the most incredible people I meet along the way. I can’t wait to meet you and tell your story with a portrait 🙂