Change the way you see yourself

Change the way you see yourself & Become the Person YOU Were Born to Be

What we don’t do enough of is focusing on ourselves. Are we being the best we can be? Are we giving ourselves enough self-love? Are we giving ourselves enough care? Are we confident enough?

Why is that? Is it because we are too busy or because it is easier to avoid some things altogether? My guess is, from talking to many of my female clients, we women especially are good at avoiding looking at ourselves. We are too big or too fat or too skinny or we don’t have this too big or that too big, and we see all the imperfections but not enough of the good stuff.

So how do we change that? How do we change the way we see ourselves? How do we become the person we were born to be?

1) - Who Do we want to be? It starts on the inside

It starts on the inside. In order to make the change, we first need to sit down and figure out where we shine and who is the kind of person we want to be. This doesn’t have to be a big change, small change one at a time is perfect to start with. So what kind of changes these are? For example, I noticed I spend too many hours of my day focusing on the things I need to get done but I don’t take the time to reflect and relax. I’d like to laugh more. I’d like to not stress so much. And I’d like to trust more in my abilities and in the mysteries of life. 

Try that. Sit down for the next 5 minutes and write the small things you’d like to change about yourself. While you are doing that, write 5 more things down that you are grateful for or that you love about yourself. 

2) What's holding you back

Before we can move into a space of self-love and confidence, we need to forgive ourselves and overcome the things that hold us back. What is holding you back or why you are holding yourself back? Let’s look at that. What are the 5 biggest things that you are punishing yourself for? What do you feel bad about? What do you hate yourself for? Write them down. This is important. And if you have more, keep writing. 

In my experience, I hear things like: I have gained a lot of weight. I hate myself for that. Or, ever since my husband died I have been really sick and not there for my daughter. Or, I have scars all over my body and I hate that people will judge me. What is it for you? Don’t be afraid to dig deep. 

3) Forgive Yourself

Self-forgiveness is not about letting yourself off the hook nor is it a sign of weakness. The act of forgiveness, whether you are forgiving yourself or someone who has wronged you, does not suggest that you are condoning the behavior.

Forgiveness means that you accept the behavior, you accept what has happened, and you are willing to move past it and move on with your life without ruminating over past events that cannot be changed. 

According to, there is a technique that works quite well. It is the 4 R’s of forgiveness: 


You can read more about this technique here:

4) Self Esteem From the Outside In

As my good friend Hana Novakova wrote, another good technique you can use is Self Esteem From the Outside In. 

Wikipedia today describes Self-esteem as an individual’s subjective evaluation of their own worth. Confidence in one’s own worth or abilities; self-respect. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs about oneself as well as emotional states, such as triumph, despair, self-hate, and shame.

Self-confidence and view of the self, connect to our outer energetic biofield, particularly the Solar plexus chakra. This energy center represents personal strength, self-esteem, and creativity. Furthermore, this chakra governs the digestive system and its respective organs; as a result, it has jurisdiction over both the gut’s emotional brain and stored emotions. 

Read her Guest Blog Article here

5) See How Other People See You

As a professional portrait photographer I have discovered that it is both very frightening and very healing to schedule a photoshoot and let a portrait photographer capture a portrait of you. Especially if that photoshoot is boudoir or glamour session where you are focusing on loving the skin you’re in. The photoshoot process can be very healing and seeing how other people see you, is very healing in more ways than one. Check out this post about what others have experienced and how did it change them. 

5) Get Some Help - It's Ok To Have Others Help You

  1. Join My Private Facebook Group Love the Skin You’re In where you’ll be connected with other women and grow your confidence by connecting to others 
    Love the Skin You’re In – Women Empowerment Group | Facebook
  2. Self Esteem From the Outside In with facial and energy work by Hana with Nova Beauty
  3. Get clarity & Clear your path for a positive change with Life Coach & Psychic Shoshana with Temple De La Luna
  4. Join a women’s retreat with Women Successful Living
  5. Schedule a Photoshoot & Makeover with me
    Book Your Session

About Allie Serrano

My name is Allie Serrano and I am the owner of Allie Serrano Portraits, LLC. I was born in the heart of Europe in the Czech Republic. It is a land filled with rich country, history, and romanticism, a place where things are handcrafted, one-of-a-kind art, heirloom antiques are created and celebrated. This world continues to influence me to this day. As a little girl, I loved playing dress-up with my sister. I grew up having read hair and I was bullied for that. So, it is not surprising that today as a portrait photographer I have a burning desire to lift the confidence in everyone I meet, to change the world through beautiful portraits, to impact the world around me, and to tell the stories of the most incredible people I meet along the way. I can’t wait to meet you and tell your story with a portrait 🙂